Jamf - Sandbox for testing

Jamf - Sandbox for testing

A sandbox is a safe environment where you can test, train, or troubleshoot without disturbing business production processes or data. Isolated from production, a sandbox environment is the place to safely explore, learn, demo, develop, and test the service without the risk of affecting the data and settings of the production environment.

Jamf Pro Sandbox URL: https://utexassandbox.jamfcloud.com

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EPM is available to IT Support Organizations (ITSOs) with any endpoint management questions. If you have a question about a specific endpoint client, please reach out to your local endpoint client support organization.


Planned Maintenance

  • ConfigMgr: Every Tuesday, from 6 a.m. – 10 a.m.
  • Jamf: Every Tuesday, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.