
General Information

  1. The team captain and all players are responsible for all information contained in the General Rules Page and in the following page. 

  2. Participants must have a valid photo ID with them at all times.

  3. Intramural Spikeball is governed by the rules of USA Spikeball, Intramural Policies and Procedures, and the following modifications.

  4. Each team shall designate to the Intramural Staff a team captain for the contest. The captain is required to sign the scorecard at the end of each game verifying the final score, and that all participating players have been checked in.


  1. A team consists of 2 players (1 male and 1 female for coed).

  2. The maximum number of players on any roster is 4.

The Game

  1. A match consists of winning two out of three games.

  2. A game is won when a team scores 21 points and has at least a two-point advantage over the opposing team. No game shall exceed 25 points. If the teams are tied at 24-24, the first team to score the 25th point shall be declared the winner.

  3. All games will use the rally point system with a point awarded on each service or awarded side out. Winners are determined as described above (first to 21, win by 2, cap at 25).

  4. Teams switch sides once one team has reached 11 points.


  1. Each team is allowed (1) one 45-sec time-out per game.

  2. Time-outs do not carry over to the next game.

No Show

  1. If a team is not present and ready to play by 5 minutes after the scheduled match time, the 1st game will be a no show. The team ready to play at match time will have the choice of service and side of court to start the 2nd game.

  2. If a team is not present and ready to play by 10 minutes after the scheduled match time, the entire match will be declared a no show.


  1. Substitutions can be made by the serving team at any time during the game.

  2. Either team can sub during timeouts.


  1. The receiving team sets their position first and the server stands directly across from the receiving player.

  2. Only the designated receiver can field the serve – all players not fielding the serve must be 6 feet from the net.

  3. Service may be underhand or overhand. The ball must be tossed up from the server’s hand before it is hit; it cannot be hit directly out of the server’s hand.

  4. Serves must be below the receiver's raised hand. If the ball can be caught by the receiver, it has to be played. If the ball is too high, the receiver must call “let” before their teammate touches the ball. The serving team has one more try to serve. If the serving team cannot hit a legal serve on the second try, they lose the point. If the receiver does not call “let”, play continues.

  5. The ball must come cleanly off the net on a serve. If the ball takes an unpredictable bounce, the receiver must call “let” before their teammate touches the ball. The serving team has one more try to give a clean serve. If the serving team cannot hit a legal serve on the second try, they lose the point. If the receiver does not call “let”, play continues.

  6. After a server wins the point, they change positions with their teammate so they are directly across from the other member of the receiving team.

  7. The four players serve in the same sequence throughout the match, changing the server each time a rally is won by the receiving team.

  8. The winner of a coin toss has the choice of service or side of court. The team not serving first in the first game shall serve first in the second game. Service for the third game will be determined by a coin toss.


General Rules of Play

  1. If the ball double bounces on the net or contacts the rim or the ground at any time, it is a point for the other team and a change of possession. There are only “lets” on the serve. After the serve, if the ball does not hit the rim, play it regardless of how it bounces.

  2. A legal hit is contact with the ball by any part of a player’s body, including the head, which does not allow the ball to come to rest even momentarily.

    1. The ball must be clearly hit: throwing, lifting, or shoving the ball are illegal. The ball may contact a player's foot and be a legal hit.

  3. You cannot hit the ball with two hands – this includes putting hands together while contacting the ball with your hands.

  4. A team has three hits to return the ball over the net. One player may not hit the ball twice in succession.

    1. Exception: A player may have successive contact (except in the setting motion) when making the first play on the ball.

  5. Defensive players must make an effort to get out of the offensive team’s way. If a member of the defensive team is in the way of a play on the ball, the player being blocked must call “hinder” and replay the point. The offensive team must have a legitimate play on the ball to call “hinder.”

  6. If the defensive team gets hit with the ball, call “hinder” and replay the point. The offensive team must have a legitimate play on the ball to call “hinder.”

  7. Players cannot attempt to play the ball if it is not their turn.

  8. If a player hits a shot off the net then the ball hits their teammate, they lose the point. If a player hits a shot off the net then the ball hits himself/herself, they lose the point.

  9. Players cannot make contact with the Spikeball set that causes it to move or affects the trajectory of the ball in any way. If the contact does not cause the set to move or affect the trajectory of the ball, play continues.