Computer EID Login Migration

Computer EID Login Migration


As part of the school's required migration to the Austin Active Directory, Computer Services will work with you to migrate your computer user account from your McCombs login to your UT EID. If you do not currently log into your computer with your McCombs login, you will not be impacted by this change and have no action to take.

Computer Services will notify you when your computer is ready to migrate to UT EID login. There is no action to take until you've been notified that your computer is ready to migrate.


Migrations are in progress now and will continue through mid-January. We are contacting faculty and staff in groups via email to manage the migration.

What do I need to do?

Once your computer is ready to migrate, you will be contacted via email and asked to either begin logging into your EID account or schedule an appointment to meet with Computer Services.

  • Windows 7 & 8 Users - You may use the self-service documentation on this wiki, Migrating your computer to EID login - Windows 7 & 8, to migrate your McCombs account to EID on your own. If you'd like assistance with the login process, you may schedule an appointment to meet with Computer Services.

  • Windows 10 Users - Your computer will require a visit from Computer Services and you'll receive an email when we're ready to schedule your migration. You may continue to use your existing McCombs account to log into your computer until a Computer Services team member visits you. If you do not use a McCombs account to login, there will be no action to take.

  • Mac Users - Your computer will require a visit from Computer Services and you'll receive an email when we're ready to schedule your migration. You may continue to use your existing McCombs account to log into your computer until a Computer Services team member visits you. If you do not use a McCombs account to login, there will be no action to take.

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