


  • Melanie
  • Mary
  • Katie
  • Alyssa
  • Brenna
  • Brittney
  • Michael
  • Mandy
  • Nicole


  • Show and tell

Discussion items

Show and tell for those who have wikidata projectsArchitecture
  • KPM, Alyssa Anderson, mostly tell
  • As we work on putting info from finding aids into wikidata, does this inform how we create finding aids?
  • How to handle irregularities like entity name changes? (Question from Nicole)
    • When to create new wikidata entry? 
    • Superseded/Preceded-by notation?
    • DC relation?
  • Need for citations beyond finding aids as required authority for Wikipedia publication
    • Organized pushback against this status of finding aid citations?
    • Aren’t collection decisions and research effort in finding aids/archival collections considered authoritative?
    • MPLP complicating this, at odds with need for certainty, how to clarify assumption-based assertions.
Texas State
  • Wikidata-data-processor.py demo
    • Running sparql query on https://query.wikidata.org/sparql, adds records to the neo4J database
    • Pulls in info about particular buildings
    • Thinking about consumption/use of wikidata
      • Assessing existing available data, to inform local projects/decisions, identify existing data, gaps that we could help fill
    • Exploring options for automating data collection/processing/publication to wikidata

Action items
