Modules that appear on the home page

-Helpful links -footer-Edit the list of links found in the footer (Canvas, Student Resources, ENGR Direct, etc)-Social media -footer-Contains “Follow UT ASE/EM” text and icons that link to 

  • Hero video and text 

    • See detailed instructions 

  • Search 

    • This module only shows on desktop 

  • Search - Mobile  

    • This module only shows in the mobile menu 

  • Main Menu 

    • This module only shows on desktop 

  • Main Menu - mobile 

    • This module only shows in the mobile menu 

  • Twitter feed - on home page 

    • Authentication for Twitter account, name of Twitter account 

  • Twitter - follow us 

    • Link below Twitter feed “Follow UT ASE/EM 

  • News 

    • Set to show 4 news items 

      • First story has image, headline, readmore 

      • Second, third, and fourth stories have headline, intro text, and readmore 

  • Photo call-out flex 

    • Edit the text and image; see detailed instructions 

  • Research Areas 

    • Assigns a category and number of articles to show 

  • Research Areas controls 

    • Sets the previous and next buttons to scroll through the research areas 

  • Rankings Numbers Callout 

    • Edit the number and following text in this section; see detailed instructions 

  • Spotlights - intro text 

    • Edit the title and intro text of this section on the home page; see detailed instructions 

  • Spotlights - flex area 

    • See detailed instructions 

  • CSE logo - footer 

    • Contains the CSE logo 

  • Privacy and accessibility - footer 

    • Contains the copyright, privacy, and accessibility under the CSE logo 

  • Helpful links - footer 

    • Edit the list of links found in the footer (Canvas, Student Resources, ENGR Direct, etc) 

  • Social media - footer 

    • Contains “Follow UT ASE/EM” text and icons that link to social media 


Other modules in use 

  • About, Undergraduate Programs, Graduate ProgramsFaculty, Research, News, Alumni 

    • Menu modules that appear in the left column 
