Hero video and text

The video should be 1600(w) x 600(h) and in the range of 3-5MB. This module will need to be edited via the html. Click on the “Code” tab at the top right of the module editing window. Bold areas are what you will change. There are four parts: 

  • The video file path will need to be updated. I recommend changing the title each time, if only the number at the end. 

    • <video id="video" poster="images/banners/academics.jpg" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted="" type="video/mpeg"> <source src="images/banners/PGE-homepage-video-3.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></video> 

  • The hero text should be fairly short. You can break up the spacing by adding <br /> where a line break is desired. 

    • <h1>Welcome to<br />Petroleum and Geosystems<br />Engineering</h1> 

  • The button text should also be fairly short. Again, you can break up the spacing by adding <br /> where a line break is desired. Update the link in the same section. 

  • <div class="button-lg-orange"><a href="/about/facts-rankings">Learn More About<br />the Hildebrand Department</a></div> 


Full syntax in module: 

<div class="overlay"></div> 

<video id="video" poster="images/banners/academics.jpg" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted="" type="video/mpeg"> <source src="images/banners/PGE-homepage-video-3.mp4" type="video/mp4" /></video> 

<div class="hero-text"> 

<h1>Welcome to<br />Petroleum and Geosystems<br />Engineering</h1> 

<div class="button-lg-orange"><a href="/about/facts-rankings">Learn More About<br />the Hildebrand Department</a></div> 
