CAEE Graduate Student Advisory Board (GsAB)

Contact for GsAB Mentoring Program:

Graduate Student Advisory Board

President & Liaison to Faculty and Staff

Jerry Potts, SUS


Surya Prakash Karuppusamy, CEPM

Student Liaison & Office Hour and Graduate Student Well-Being Chair

Dheeraj Adwani, IME

Peer Mentorship Program Chair

Ashray Saxena, GEO

Student Experience Committee Representative

Loveleen, STR

Newsletter Chair

Ekim Ekiz, MUSE

Curriculum Committee Representative & CAEE Wiki Updater

Cesar Loretto, CEPM

Mental Health and Professional Development Chair

Ali Kothwala, TRANS

Community Chair

Derya Bakiler, MUSE

Survey Chair

Bartik Pandel, GEO

GSA Representative

Sam Lin, BEE

Social Chair

Gautam Kunwar, EWRE

The CAEE Graduate student Advisory Board (GsAB) addresses issues that are important to students in the engineering graduate programs in CAEE. 
GsAB reports administratively to the Graduate Coordinator, Graduate Advisors and Department Chair.

The department asks the GsAB to represent the views of graduate students to the faculty and administration; to facilitate graduate student communication and interaction; to gather and disseminate information pertinent to graduate students; to conduct activities that promote the general welfare of graduate students; and to provide a means of assisting in the selection of graduate student members of departmental, college, and University bodies.

Activities of the Board include: attending meetings with the department chair and advisors, attending faculty meetings; representing the CAEE students with the GSA (Graduate Student Assembly) and GEC (Graduate Engineering Council); supporting recruitment efforts by being a point of contact for their area, and hosting recruitment related social events; participating in department events such as Student Townhall, Graduate Symposium and poster sessions.  In addition they participate in orientation events so that new students will be aware of the GsAB advocate in their area. 

Recommendations from the GsAB are instrumental in helping the faculty and staff understand obstacles to student success, connecting student concerns with concrete action.
Students who are interested in serving as board member should contact the Graduate Coordinator or the GsAB.