Palisade ( @risk) Installation

Palisade ( @risk) Installation

Step-by-step installation guide for UT ChE students enrolled in a course utilizing @risk

Once your EID has been submitted by your professor, you will need to complete the following steps:

NOTE: UTGUEST AND EDUROAM WIFI WILL NOT WORK.  You must be connected to UTEXAS WIFI or with a VPN connection.

  1. Map a drive to your computer using the following path in the "folder" field  \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\che-share\Palisade . The Drive letter doesn't matter.  If you are unsure how to do this,

    Search “how to map a drive Windows 10”.  Make sure to uncheck "reconnect at login" and to check "connect as a different user". 
  2.  For the username, enter austin\your EID  e.g.,
  4. Note: Attempting this from on-campus will work best.  If you are off-campus you must first follow these instructions to make a VPN connection, and then proceed with the instructions. http://www.utexas.edu/its/vpn/
  5. Once you are connected to the remote folder, you should see the following two files:


     6. Copy both files to a new folder on your computer's desktop, then open that folder and run the "DTSuite8-cust-Setup.exe" installer. The "Palisade_Course.lic" file MUST be present in the same folder as the setup file, or the installation will fail.

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