Graduate Program Coordinators/Administrators - Recruiting and Hiring

Use of the Graduate Program Coordinator II (9093S) and Graduate Program Administrator (9092) job profiles requires prior approval by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS). Once obtained, the name of the person who granted permission and the date permission was granted should be noted in the comments of any associated Workday Business Processes.

Before hiring for either of these positions,  the OGS must also review and approve finalists. Prior to making an offer to any candidate, finalist materials should be forwarded to the OGS. 

See the document below for more information.

See Prior Approval and Restricted Job Classifications for a full list of job profiles requiring authorization prior to use. The list includes which office to contact for each position for approval.

Appointment of a GCII or GPA

Source: Office of Graduate Studies, January 4, 2022

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Karla Steffen 1 (467 days ago)