Counselor Education Practicum/Internship DocuSign Instructions

Counselor Education Practicum/Internship DocuSign Instructions

DocuSign Assistance

If you have any problems with DocuSign or questions about these instructions, please contact the ITO Help Desk, help@education.utexas.edu 

Saving Copies for Your Records

If you want to save a signed copy of your practicum/internship forms for your records, follow the “View Completed Document” link in the emails you receive from DocuSign informing you that the document is complete. The link in the email is the only way to access your signed documents. Don’t postpone the download beyond the end of the current semester. The link will eventually expire.

Counselor Education Practicum/Internship Students

Counselor Education practicum/internship agreement and other practicum/internship-related forms are submitted via DocuSign. Read the following instructions below for each form type completely before beginning the submission process. 

NOTE: You do not need a DocuSign account for submitting and signing practicum/internship-related documents when using the DocuSign links below.

CE Practicum/Internship Agreement

 Read the following instructions completely before beginning the submission process. 

 Practicum/Internship Agreement Submission Instructions
  1. Download the Practicum/Internship Agreement form for Counselor Education linked below these instructions.
  2. Complete the form in consultation with your site supervisor. Save the form on your computer.

  3. Inform your site supervisor in advance that DocuSign will be used to gather electronic signatures on various practicum/internship-related forms. They should expect an email via DocuSign at dse@docusign.net. The email will contain the link to review the document on DocuSign’s website.
  4. Use the Submit CE Practicum/Internship Agreement via DocuSign link below to begin the submission process.
  5. The submit link launches a webpage called a DocuSign PowerForm. You will need to know the email addresses of your site supervisor and UT practicum/internship coordinator in advance. Enter the required contact information and click the Begin Signing button.
    1. The first time you access the DocuSign website, you will have to agree to the use of electronic records and signatures. Check the corresponding box and click Continue.
    2. Complete the requested data fields.
    3. Click the attachment button to upload your completed practicum/internship agreement form.

    4. Click the Sign button then click the yellow FINISH button at the bottom of the page. DocuSign will send an email to your site supervisor and UT practicum/internship instructor so that they can review the form and sign. All parties can download a copy for their records once the signing process is complete.
      There is nothing else to do after you click the Finish button. Do not log into your DocuSign account on the subsequent window. You do not need a DocuSign account for submitting and signing practicum/internship-related documents. 

CE Practicum Timesheets

Read the instructions below before starting.

 Practicum Timesheet Instructions and Tips

Keeping Track of Time

  • Download the CE_Practicum_Timesheets Excel spreadsheet, linked below these instructions.
    • NOTE:  You can also use Google Sheets to open this file if you do not own Excel or you don’t wish to buy it at the Campus Computer store for just this purpose. Your @utexas account is a UT-branded Google/Gmail service.
  • Rename the spreadsheet to include the semester in CCYYS format. E.g. CE_Practicum_Timesheets_20229.xlsx.
    The S in the CCYYS format represents the semester as a number. Spring is 2, summer is 6, and fall is 9 (e.g. Spring 2022 = 20222; Summer 2022 = 20226; Fall 2022 = 20229).
  • Fill in the dates for the semester on each week's worksheet (weeks 1-14; or more depending on placement).
  • Paper sign-in sheets for site supervisor:
    • Print worksheets for all the weeks you'll be at placement. Remember to fill in the dates in advance. These paper-based sign-in sheets are for the benefit of your site supervisor and are to be kept in a binder with them (or some place at the site).
    • Have your site supervisor “liquid" sign the weekly sign-in sheets.
    • Timesheet tips:
      • Enter your name, site, semester (in CCYYS format), and supervisor name on the week 1 worksheet. The rest of the worksheets are programmed to display this information automatically to save you time.
      • When printing, confirm that the worksheets print in landscape orientation and scale to fit 1 page wide by 1 page tall.
  • You'll keep track of your time on both the paper sign-in sheets and on the Excel spreadsheet. You'll submit the completed Excel spreadsheet at the end of the semester via DocuSign to get your site supervisor's electronic signature for the semester.

Submitting the Practicum Timesheets via DocuSign (To be done at end of the semester)
Read the following instructions completely before beginning the submission process. 

  1. Inform your on-site supervisor in advance that you will be submitting an electronic version of the practicum timesheets via DocuSign. The DocuSign notice email will be from "EDP Practicum via DocuSign" from the email address dse@ docusign.net. The email will contain the link to review the document on DocuSign’s website.
  2. In order to protect your privacy, your site supervisor will have to enter an access code to view and sign practicum-related documents on the DocuSign website. They don’t have to create a DocuSign account. They just have to enter the code. Your instructor will share this access code with you. Share the code with your on-site supervisor in advance of you starting the submission process. The code should be shared verbally (in person or over the phone) but NEVER by email.
  3. Use the Submit Practicum Timesheets via DocuSign link to begin the submission process.
    CAUTION: Do not click on the link unless you are ready to complete the entire submission process described below. It's a quick process when you have the information required. Stopping before step 4e below will create an abandoned DocuSign PowerForm, one which you will not be able to access again.
  4. The submit link launches a webpage called a DocuSign PowerForm. You will need to know the email addresses of your site supervisor and practicum instructor in advance. Enter the required contact information and click the Begin Signing button. You will be redirected to the DocuSign website.
    1. The first time you access the DocuSign website, you will have to agree to the use of electronic records and signatures. Check the corresponding box and click Continue.
    2. Completed the requested data fields.
    3. Click the attachment button to upload your completed timesheet spreadsheet.
    4. Click the Sign button to DocuSign.
    5. Click the yellow Finish button at the bottom of the page. DocuSign will send an email to your on-site supervisor so that they can complete their part. All parties, including your practicum instructor, can download a copy once the signing process is complete.
      There is nothing else to do after you click the Finish button. Do not log into your DocuSign account on the subsequent window. You do not need a DocuSign account for submitting and signing practicum/internship-related documents.  

CE Practicum Evaluation

Practicum Evaluation Submission Instructions

Do not start Docusign submission unless you are able to complete the process. Read the instructions below before starting.

 Instructions to Initiate Evaluation Submission

Please read the instructions fully before starting the DocuSign submission process.

Email the CE Practicum Evaluation form (file link below instructions) to your site supervisor. They should review the practicum evaluation with you prior to submission.

In order to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your information, your site supervisor will have to enter an access code to gain entry to the evaluation submission webpage on the DocuSign website. They don’t have to create a DocuSign account. They just have to enter the code. Your instructor will share this access code with you. Share the code with your site supervisor in advance of you starting the submission process. The code should be shared verbally (in person or over the phone) but NEVER by email.

Use the "Initiate Site Supervisor Practicum Evaluation Submission via DocuSign" link below to assist your site supervisor in starting the submission process. The resulting DocuSign PowerForm will require you to enter names and email addresses for yourself, the site supervisor and the practicum instructor. Click the Begin Signing button. Complete the fields at the top of the signature page and click the yellow Finish button at the bottom of the DocuSign window. DocuSign will automatically forward the form to your site supervisor so they can attach the completed evaluation form and sign electronically. Lastly, DocuSign will send a copy to the practicum instructor for their review. You may download a copy of the DocuSigned evaluation for your records once all parties have completed the signing and reviewing process.

CAUTION: Do not click on the DocuSign submission link unless you are ready to complete the entire submission process described above. It's a quick process when you have the information required. Stopping before clicking the yellow Finish button will create an abandoned DocuSign PowerForm, one which you will not be able to access again.

Instructions for Submitting Practicum Evaluation from Site Supervisor's Perspective

Site supervisor, the student will email you a blank practicum evaluation form in advance of the end of the semester. Complete it electronically and discuss it with your practicum student. Your practicum student will initiate the DocuSign submission process. Expect an email from DocuSign ( dse@docusign.net ). The email will contain a link to the DocuSign website where you will attach the completed practicum evaluation form and sign electronically. An access code will be required to gain entry to the evaluation submission webpage on the DocuSign website in order to protect the confidentiality of the information. The practicum student has been asked to share this code with you ahead of time. The access code should be shared verbally (in person, by phone, text or zoom) but NEVER by email. DocuSign will automatically forward the form to the practicum student to collect their electronic signature after you sign. Lastly, DocuSign will send a copy to the practicum instructor for their review. You may download a copy of the DocuSigned evaluation for your records once all parties have completed the signing and reviewing process.

Saving Copies for Your Records

If you want to save a signed copy of your practicum forms for your records, follow the “View Completed Document” link in the emails you receive from DocuSign informing you that the document is complete. The link in the email is the only way to access your signed documents. Don’t postpone the download beyond the end of the current semester. The link will eventually expire.

Practicum Instructor

Practicum instructors are responsible for filing practicum agreements and practicum evaluations into student folders on UT Box.

Submission Instructions - Practicum Instructors

 Filing Instructions

There are two steps to filing practicum agreements and practicum evaluations:

  1. Download the documents from DocuSign.
    1. Practicum instructors receive an email from DocuSignDocuSign (dse@docusign.net) when all parties have completed/signed the practicum agreements and practicum evaluations. You may need to check your junk/spam folder.
    2. In order to protect the privacy and confidentiality of student information, you will need to enter an access code to view the signed observation in the next step. This access code has been shared with you on the Stache website [1]. You will find the entry by the unique number and semester of the course. The access code itself is in the field called "secret." Retrieve the access code before proceeding to the next step. (Note: The code should never be shared via email as that defeats the purpose of this security step.)
    3. Click on the "View Completed Documents" link in the email. You will be directed to the DocuSign website to view the documents.
    4. Enter the access code and validate to view the document on the DocuSign website.
    5. Click the download button at the top of the DocuSign webpage. The download button is the paper icon with a down arrow. Choose to download the "Combined PDF."
    6. Rename the document according to the naming convention.
      • Default filenames as downloaded from DocuSign:
      • Add the semester immediately after the last name.
        • The semester should be in the CCYYS format where "CCYY" is the year and "S" is the number of the semester, i.e. spring = 2, summer = 6, fall = 9.
        • There should be an underscore between last name and semester.
      • Examples:
        Practicum_Evaluation_for_ Julian_Chapa_20189.pdf
  2. File the documents into student folders on UT Box.
    1. Accessing UT Box and Practicum Courses folder.
      1. First time UT Box users should first login to UT Box to activate their accounts.
      2. Request access to the UT Box folders below, if you have not already been given access to it.
    2. "Practicum Courses" folder organization
      • Practicum Courses Counseling Psychology (students in this program)
        • Current Students
          • Alphabetical by last name
        • Former Students
      • Practicum Courses Counselor Education (students in this program)
        • Current Students
          • Alphabetical by last name
        • Former Students
    3. Upload the renamed document to the student's individual folder.

[1] Stache is a website that provides secure backup of sensitive data, such as encryption keys, passwords, passphrases, and personal identification numbers. Stache is currently available to active faculty, staff, and students affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin.

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