Web Analytics

Web Analytics

How to Request Analytics

The comm team is happy to provide your team with web analytics. Please email ugs-cms-admin@utlists.utexas.edu and include the timeframe and pages you'd like measured.

How to Find Google Analytics

(For the UGS Comm Team)

Login to the UGS Google account and navigate to analytics.google.com

You'll most likely want to pull a snapshot of one program. To do that, click Behavior > Site Content > All Pages

On that page, adjust your timeframe using the calendar in the upper right corner. Then, use the search bar to search for the 3 letter program name. (If you want all of Sanger's analytics, search SLC, etc.). This will bring up all pages with "slc" in the URL. 

To create a nice Excel sheet, adjust the "show rows" count and then export the report.