3D Additive Manufacturing

This page may be out of date due to recent changes during the ongoing pandemic. Please contact us at tiw@utexas.edu or visit us in the EERC during our current hours.

Lab: 0.612

Lab Status: This lab is now set up but not operational. We are having the control software updated to run new motor and laser control cards, give better resolution and general control updates and have the application run via Windows 64 (and to comply with UT's requirement for the computer to have a TPM module.

Please contact Roger Rose (roger.rose@austin.utexas.edu) for further information.

This lab contains a very large SLS 3D printer. (SLS : Selective Laser Sintering)

Currently the material used is white Nylon P12 (powder form)

Lab: 0.614 Desktop Metals - metal printing