Bibliography Records
Bibliography records record information about publications that reference an object, artist, or may include an image reproduction.
Basic Info
A Reference Number is created by providing the number prefix and year, RR.2023. and clicking the ellipses button at the right to auto-generate the next sequential number.
Department: select whether the publications is External (other institution) or Internal (published by BMA)
Format: type of publication i.e. book, article, exhibition catalogue, video, etc.
Title: holds the complete title of a publication (subtitle will not appear in most contexts)
Journal: add title of Journal here, not with Title (e.g. Art Bulletin, Burlington Magazine)
Bibliography-Related Constituents: only one constituent is required but multiple can be added if known.
- Author
- Editor
- Producer
- Publisher
Place Published: open text field – enter city and state or country
Language: select from drop down menu
# of pages – number of pages in publication
Alternate number: enter ISBN number and/or Library of Congress number
Status Flags
- ePublication: apply for publications that are digitally published
- Hard Copy Available: indicates that a physical copy is available in the registrar file room. (As of now, this is only recorded for books in the "Exhibition Catalogue Archive")
Additional Information and Reproduction Requests
Reproduction Request Information
A flex field group has been created to capture details regarding reproduction requests. Toggle fields on at top right corner to use. (Toggling it off will delete any data entry in the flex fields)
- Request date: date of communications from request to reproduce an artwork
- Expected publication date: free text field to enter general information about expected timeline of publication, (July 2024, Fall 2024, etc.)
- Expected print run: enter number of expected copies
- Copy received? Check yes when physical or digital copy has been received by Blanton
Data Entry to be Finalized upon receipt of publication
The following fields must be complete once a copy of a publication is received.
Year Published: enter the year (yyyy) it was published noted on the copyright page of publication
Enter the date the publication was published into both ISO Start date and ISO End date. These dates can be identical, they can be a full date (dd/mm/yyyy), or simply a year (yyyy).
After entering the ISO dates, modify the Display Date as needed to reflect the date as it should be presented to the public. TMS will generate a list of options, but the display date can be modified as free text to follow our standard formats when needed.
Page, Catalogue, and/or Figure Number in the linked object
Click on the down arrow on the Objects row and click on object. Select illustrated box on right side and enter page number, catalogue, and or figure number for each object featured in publication. Can link objects referenced or cited, even when not illustrated.
Check yes if object is illustrated within the publication.