Collection Assessment Info

These fields are used in the review process of an object to determine whether it is a candidate for deaccession. 

Assessment Criteria



Authenticityobject is a fake, forgery, or mechanical reproduction (not copy after, etc)
Conditionartwork is beyond repair, has inherent deterioration that has altered the artwork beyond recognition or safety for display


a duplicate work of equal value and condition in the permanent collection  (books and print editions)

Legal Issue

issue of provenance and legal ownership 



context of object does support collection areas of permanent collection and the museum's mission

Gift Restrictions: statement from gift or purchase document preventing or restricting means of deaccession or dispersal method. If none, enter "none"

8283 Filed?: check if yes

Text Entries

Text Type


Donors, Funders, and Proceeds Informationdescription of source of gift or funds, and use of proceeds if deaccessioned and sold 
Funder Credit Linethe credit line to accompany the object to new owner
Art Historical Significanceoverview of object's context, publications, or exhibitions related to the artist/maker of this object or similar objects
Deaccession Justificationstatement summarizing deaccession criteria