Software Downloads
Software Downloads
- Students must register at students.autodesk.com to obtain a serial number for product activation.
- Once registered, locate the Autodesk software you need here: https://www.autodesk.com/education/edu-software
- Use the Autodesk Download Manager to acquire and install your software.
- Use the Autodesk Desktop App to keep your software up to date.
We provide the following network shares:
- Arc-GIS-Student:
( \\arch-data.austin.utexas.edu\Arch-GIS-Student )
This read-only share contains a copy of the ArcGIS software, matching the version used in the WMB classrooms, typically available from the ESRI Website. - gis-data:
( \\arch-data.austin.utexas.edu\GIS )
This read-only share has a variety of GIS data available to all UTSOA students for use in GIS courses, projects, and analysis. - TransCAD-Student:
( \\arch-data.austin.utexas.edu\TransCAD-Student )
This read-only share contains a copy of TransCAD 5.0 in a compressed zip file for download. A USB network license key with serial number is available for signout at the SOA Service Desk in the Technology Lab.
How to license your Transcad software using the Transcad licensing dongle: TransCAD Licensing
Special Course or Project shares: If you require a place to store and share files for your project or course, please first review the other files-sharing options such as Box. Please note that we are no longer able to provide network storage shares.
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