



  • Paloma Graciani Picardo

  • Melanie Cofield

  • Katie Pierce Meyer
  • Nancy Sparrow
  • Stephanie Tiedeken
  • Michael Shensky
  • Sheila Torres-Blank
  • Brenna Edwards
  • Beth Dodd


  • Zoom recording (link, includes chat)


  • wrapping up the Wikidata tracking sheet
  • planning out dates and topics for Spring 2022, and assigning actions and roles

Discussion items


Wrapping up the Wikidata tracking sheet

  • Architecture has already added all their information to the spreadsheet. There are a few other  scripts that they have not added because they are only relevant on their GIS project, but not in the wikidata context. They have created a wikidata item for the project: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q109614790 
  • Q - Is there a criteria for creating a wikidata item for a project? Not that Katie or Paloma are aware of. There are all sorts of wikidata items for projects, from very large multi institutional projects, to specific topic projects, to institutional projects. 
  • Katie - might be useful to link all different wikidata projects happening at UT campus
  • Q - Differences between a wikiproject page and a wikidata item for the project... and why to create both? The wikidata item allows to tight your project to other wikidata items using the property "on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008)" (which expects another wikidata item as the object). You cannot do that with the wikiproject page, but the wikiproject page is very useful for the narrative of your project, and that can be linked to the project item. 
Connecting with DS and DH in campusMelanie
  • Connecting with local DS and DH communities to discuss potential collaboration opportunities
  • Melanie has not had the chance to reach out to Alyssa, Albert or Adriana. She plans to do it early on the new year. If anyone feels like reaching out to them, that would also work.
  • Would be good to spend some time in January to brainstorm talking points that we would like to engage them in, and then maybe invite them to join the meeting on February? 
  • Potential questions that we might want to bring to them:
    • Katie - we have discussed to have our wikidata projects more visible so maybe that can be something to ask. Also how do we want to present the work we are doing to them? There are also many Wikipedia editathons, and maybe that is a way to connect with those communities by bringing up wikidata editathons?
    • Paloma - Could they talk a little bit of the landscape of the communities they are engage with and whether they are aware of other wikidata or linked data related projects around campus? 
    • Resume the brainstorm during the January meeting
Other topics for Spring 2022All
  • General interest in pivoting towards how these projects fit on our daily work
  • Interest in exploring Alma linked data capabilities. Melanie is currently reviewing Alma documentation (https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/integrations/linked_data/). She also reached out to Stacy, who attended a Sinopia conference to ask if she wanted to share her take away with the group, but have not heard back yet. Thinking that this might be a good topic for the Fall 2022, since they are just at the very early stages of looking at Alma LD capabilities.
  • Stephanie – potential project: create wikidata items for local authorities (+1s Katie and Beth). There is a lot of interest in Architecture to dedicate more resources to the local authorities
  • Melanie - With the DAMS migration kicking off  and the engagement with libraries IT starting in January, and discussions around data modeling, they have been talking a lot about using the taxonomies module to manage authorities and controlled vocabularies in Islandora 8, and did not really discussed about wikidata as a potential tool, or how those two could interact. There might be some traction on PCL during 2022 towards wikidata workflows implementation  
  • Paloma - Any discussion about potentially using wikibase for local authorities
  • Katie - huge interest in seeking grant opportunities that allow us to collaborate across campus and work on the projects we are discussing in this group (potential collections as data grant?!)
  • Date/time of the meetings works for everyone. Paloma will extend the calendar invite until May.
  • Volunteers for Spring 2022?
    • Michael volunteers as note taker on some of the Spring meetings
    • Paloma + Melanie to facilitate/notetaking on January (will ask for facilitators for the next meeting)

Action items

  • Extend calendar invite through May - Paloma

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