



  • Melanie

  • Mary

  • Brenna
  • Mandy


No recording available


  • Open Discussion, reconnecting in the new year

Discussion items

  • Colleagues from Architecture are busy with moving collections to CDL for Battle Hall renovation project - they plan to reconnect with us later in the semester.
  • Recalling last meeting in November 2020 - low attendance, Mary and Nicole demonstrated their Wikidata work (wish we could have recorded, we have multiple meeting co-hosts now that will enable that going forward).
  • Review wiki structure for capturing semester group work
  • Discuss how to handle group administrative tasks and learning topics in absence of member dedicated to those roles. Plan to survey group to gauge interest in topics and capacity to take on group facilitation tasks.
TCDL coming upMary
  • Mary planning to submit proposal, deadline coming up
  • Anyone else proposing, interested in collaboration? Will post question to group list. 
Wikidata focus ideasall
  • Presentations from Mary and Paloma on status of their respective PCC Wikidata pilots at TSU and HRC
  • Identify PCC Wikidata pilot members who we can invite to be guest speakers
Other topics of interestall
  • Batch updates to Wikidata
  • Assessment of impact of wikidata projects - how to assess, then communicate & build buy-in for these kinds of projects?
  • Map out/chart group linked data projects and priorities, to help overall group awareness and identification of collaborative opportunities

Action items

  • Melanie contact Paloma to request additional meeting co-hosts be set up on Zoom meetings scheduled through May, so that recording is more available
  • Melanie work with others to update Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 wiki pages
  • Melanie work on survey and standardizing group meeting format for members to sign up on rotating facilitation
  • Mary post to group list
  • Mary coordinate with Paloma on presentations and identifying guest speakers from PCC Wikidata pilot participants