J330, 335 and J363 Broadcast Journalism Step By Step Post Production Workflow
Here is the workflow for recording on the Panasonic UX90
Panasonic - UX90 - Quick Start Guide
Step two will be to launch "Adobe Premiere" and make a 1920 x 1080 23.98 HD project and "Import" the footage into Premiere.
Broadcast Journalism student Premiere settings - Project Setup
Subclip your captured footage.
Adobe Premiere Pro - How To Create Subclips
Record Voiceover in CMA 4.140 Audio Booth in the Digital Media Lab
How to record audio in the CMA 4.140 Radio Room
Move all music files and sound effects into a folder on your hard drive in case you need to batch re-import
all music files and sound effects
Adobe Premiere Pro - How to Import Audio
Double check that your media is being imported to your hard drive!
Import Still Graphics if needed
Adobe Premiere Pro - Importing Stills into Adobe Premiere Pro
Organize your bins
EX: Raw Footage (Master clips), Subclips, Audio, Sequences, Titles, etc
Note on Timeline
Each editing session, duplicate your most recent Timeline and rename it with the current date. This way, if you make major changes and cannot undo a mistake, you can return to a previous version to fix the problem area.
Assembly Edit
Bring your footage down onto the timeline in the order of your film.
Get a general idea of the short film, keeping video and audio in sync
Don't worry about trimming the ends of each clip yet; this is just an assembly edit
Rough Cut
Trim down the extra footage, concentrate on timing
Begin sound design – music sound and sound effects extra dialog
Don't worry about transitions, effects, or fine trimming just yet
Work on your Audio using the Mix Tool or Keyframing your Audio
Notes on Adobe Audio Mix Tool and Audio Key Framing workflows
Adobe Premiere - How to use the Mixer tool and Keyframes
Fine Cut
Refine each cut point, trimming frames to ensure smooth edits
Begin adding effects and transitions
Finish your edit, bring in a friend to watch your work and give input
Export the Adobe Premiere Pro Final Timeline
See this helpsheet for exporting information.
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