HUB Forms for CPRIT (EPA)

HUB Forms for CPRIT (EPA)


CPRIT EPA* Reports that are submitted to the United States government on a federal level to account for businesses that are utilized by UT Austin and are considered a “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.” There are two categories that are reported, Minority Owned Businesses (MBE) and Women Owned Businesses (WBE). According to the EPA Website:

Recipients must complete EPA Form 5700-52A to report MBE/WBE utilization under EPA assistance agreements when the combined total of funds budgeted for procuring supplies, equipment, construction or services exceeds the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. Annual reports are due by October 30th of each year. Final reports are due by October 30th or 90 days after the end of the project period, whichever comes first.

Therefore, it is up to the HUB/SB Program office to assist the Office of Sponsored projects to complete their request so that they may adequately report on MBE/WBE utilization.

* CPRIT stands for “Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.”  EPA stands for “Environmental Protection Agency.”


OSP Request

A request from the Office of Sponsored Projects is received and is responded to in no more than 48 hours. An example of the email is shown in Figure 1. The email should contain the following information for the HUB staff member to successfully complete the request:

  1. HUB Spreadsheets attachments in Excel format containing the report for each of the budget accounts
  2. A list of budget accounts in the body to ensure that each attachment is accounted for
  3. Contact name and number in case any questions arise

Figure 1: Sample email request for HUB Forms for CPRIT.

*Please note the request mistakenly requests for HUB forms through 11/30/18, but should read 11/30/19.

Locate previous reports

The HUB/SB Program Office has completed the CPRIT reports in the past. Find past reports to input the previous year’s vendor data to avoid expending time on locating the vendor data, such as TPASS Certification No, or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).

Inputting missing vendor data

If you cannot locate the vendor in a previous report (Figure 2), use the UT Austin Vendor EID listed in Point Plus (Figure 3) (https://utdirect.utexas.edu/pointplus/index.WBX) in place of the FEIN. The VID is encrypted so if the staff member (preparer) lists the EID, the reviewer (HUB Associate/Director) has sufficient identification information to translate the Vendor EID, and forward the final report to the requesting party.

Figure 2: Example of missing data

Figure 3: Example of Point Plus Vendor ID Look up

HUB Forms and HUB Spreadsheets

HUB Form

Using a previous HUB Form is the most efficient and effective way to complete the HUB form. Previous reports may be found in the UT Box folder: Reports>EPA CPRIT, and previous years may be found by visiting the HUB Network Folder “Jackson” in the CPRIT folder.

Once review is completed by the reviewer (HUB Associate/Director), the HUB Form ONLY is submitted to the requester.

Update the following HUB Form fields:

-          CPRIT Project/Grant No.:

-          HUB Subcontractor/Vendor Name

-          Location

-          TPASS Certification

-          Federal Tax ID Number

-          Goods and/or Services Purchased

-          Amount Expended

The other fields should already be filled in. Best practice is to Save As HUB Form in a location to work on this version and not override past HUB Forms.

HUB Spreadsheet

The HUB spreadsheet is the attachment in the email sent by the requesting party and will contain expenditure data on various vendors/subcontractors. Use the information in these spreadsheet to complete the HUB Form. Ensure that only the MBE/WBE fields are accounted for.

Object Type translates to “Goods and/or Services Purchases,” there are four types:

Figure 4: The four types of purchases

  1. Construction (Services)
  2. Equipment (Goods)
  3. Services
  4. Supplies (Goods)

Use the SUM function in excel to find the total spent for each individual utilized MBE/WBE and input this amount in the “Amount Expended” field. See Figure 5 to see where to locate the fields needed to complete the form accurately.

Figure 5: HUB Spreadsheet showing which fields are needed to update the HUB Form

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