HSP Provenance

The goal of documenting the HSP Chain of Custody is to provide clarification and consistency in HSP Determinations & Reviews and increase accountability within the process.  This process should apply to all contracting teams - procurement, construction procurement, PMCS contracting, BFS, and Utilities.

  1. HSP submittals required to be provided to contracting specialist/manager.  Contract specialist/manager will forward to HUB team at uthub-hsp@austin.utexas.edu. 
    1. If it is a expediated request, contract specialist/manager needs to add "RUSH" to the subject line.
  2. HUB Associate will perform HSP Analysis and Review and/or HSP Determinations and provide completed HSP Review and/or HSP Determinations with DocuSign certification to Contract specialist/manager for the project/solicitation.
  3. HSP communications, (in reference to a specific solicitation/project/contract), between HUB team and Respondent limited to:
    1. Cursory reviews before bid open date or modification (amendment/change order that adds or removes subcontractors from contract)
    2. Clarification before acceptance/rejection of submitted HSP
  4. Contract Specialist will relay HSP submission acceptance or rejection to respondent.
  5. If HSP is rejected, respondent has option to protest the rejection - see Section 7.11.3. Vendor Protests, Disputes, and Resolutions of the Handbook of Business Procedures