SS3 -Apply Tuition Reduction Benefit (not in lieu of wages) toward recipient's tuition bill


Go to FRMS
and click on "awards system".  
Click on "create a new award". 
Go to the following section and read and confirm the following by clicking on the orange bar: 


For the following section:

Intended Position: Select TA/AI or GRA as appropriate.

Summary: Enter "<Semester YYYY> Tuition Reduction Benefit Award". 

Comments:  none needed.

Funding Information: Account number:  For TA/AIs we typically use the provost's account, we use 2092109037. For GRAs, Financial Manager will typically provide account number to use.

Save and verify, Save and continue.  

Save and continue.  Then enter student(s) EID(s) and amount(s).  These are usually provided by Financial Manager.

Save and verify.  If a warning pops up that student does not have an assigned position, disregard, as position will ultimately be entered into the system.


Add coding, fya to Financial Manager, print screen the page for Financial Manager.