SS2 - Apply Tuition Credit toward recipient's tuition bill

The SS2 electronic document is used to authorize a student's tuition and fee waivers to be charged to departmental accounts.

Departments or outside agencies may pay for all or part of a student's tuition and fees.  Departments may initiate a waiver/exemption with the SS2 document.

The source of funds (account) determines what portion of tuition and fees will be paid. For example, some 26 grant accounts can not be used to pay a student's optional fees.

Students receiving tuition remission are often working as a teaching assistant, research assistant or graduate research assistant. Generally, the funds to provide their tuition payments are not given for services rendered, but as a scholarship to benefit the student's education.

Some sources of funds require that services be rendered for the tuition payment. In particular, federal research projects require that to allow tuition payments, there must be a employee- employer relationship, and that the tuition and other payments are reasonable compensation for the work being done and are conditioned explicitly on the performance of the necessary work.

When new accounts are set up, the Office of Accounting will determine whether the account can be used to pay a scholarship or not. 

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