SS1 - Pay a Scholarship, Fellowship, and Cash Award Pay funds directly to recipient

This process pays the Tuition Reduction Benefit directly to the recipient via the SS1.

Read and confirm the following:
  • The recipient is not required to perform a service, including volunteer services, in exchange for these funds.
  • This is not a reimbursement for official university business, including business travel.
  • This is not a work-related cash prize for an employee.

Go to FRMS:


Click on "Awards System" in middle of page (or use awards link): 


Create a new award:




Description:  "Semester, Year Scholarship Award"

Create scholarship. 

Enter account and amount.  Then a payment schedule section will appear below.  Enter the same account number, amount, and today's date and the correct semester, year.  

A number of questions will appear under purpose of payment.  See answers below.


Save and verify.  You will get a message that Code 4 cannot be blank. 


Go to "Departmental codes" in "accounts" section.  a pop-up window will appear: 

Coding:   click edit, enter codes as shown below, click save, then close.

Verify, approve (FYA to Financial Manager), and then select "print cover sheet".  It will download it.  Open, print. 

You may get a warning student is not registered full time for semester; disregard and proceed. 

You may also get a warning student has received more than one award for FY, this is not a surprise if you are in second or later semester and you can proceed and disregard.