First Class Day Email - Long Semesters

Last updated 4/23/19 MNP
On the first class day of the semester, appropriately edit and send this email to (Send as Bcc): Cc:
Dear Final Exam Schedulers,
Happy first class day! This is a notification that the final exam reporting system for Spring 2019 will open starting February 7th, and close February 20th. Please read the Notes, Guidelines and Helpful Hints section within the Final Exam Canvas page.
Mark Regular Exam, Uniform Exam, or No Exam for every class: You must report for every class in your department during this period. If you are not sure a class will have an exam, mark "No Exam".
Uniform and makeup exams: Two or more classes which do not meet together, but which have a final exam together are known as a uniform exam. Each uniform exam must have a makeup exam, and both exams must be given during an approved uniform/makeup exam period. Be sure to select "Uniform Exam" under "Exam Type" in the system; this will also open a box to enter information for the makeup exam. If you have any questions on how to set up a uniform exam, or would like our assistance, please don't hesitate to email or call us.
Changing an exam date or time: Changes to any assigned exam date or time can cause conflicts for students. Because of this, it is the departments' responsibility to remedy these conflicts. Please indicate the requested date and time in the "additional notes" box. Be concise as we only see the first line of notes. After the system closes for reporting, all changes must be approved prior to scheduling.
Meeting room: Check the box labeled "We would like to use our regular meeting room" if the class can use its meeting room as the exam room. Although we can't guarantee the meeting room will be available in every case, we will attempt to schedule it and contact you when this is not possible.  
Double-seating: Our office makes every attempt to accommodate double-seating requests for final exam rooms. However, please remember that double-seating is not an institutional right or privilege, nor is it guaranteed. With increased enrollment and limited space, it is not always feasible to fill all requests for double seating, especially for large classes. When the final exam schedule is published, please review your room assignments and contact us as necessary for changes. When making a request for more than one room, please indicate the number of rooms you can proctor.
Media: Please coordinate any media needs with the appropriate office. This is especially important in UTC, GSB, CBA, GDC, or any other building where media must be brought in.
Status report: Please remember to print a status report when the system opens on February 7th. This report prints on the mainframe printer, so leave yourself time to receive the report and double-check it before the system close. It is not possible to run this report after the system closes on February 20th.
Final exams will be scheduled based on your requests and the final exam schedule will be published online by March 12th.
Helpful URLs:
The URL for exam reporting, complete with instructions:
The URL for the exam reporting system (no instructions):
An index of final exam times based on class meeting time, along with a list of approved uniform/makeup exam periods for Spring 2019.
Final exam policies:

Final Exam FAQ

Questions? Please call us at 475-7600 before the reporting period ends so that you have time to make appropriate adjustments.
Thank you, your name here
SchedulingOffice of the Registrar512-475-7600
Please do not reply to this list. It is for informational purposes only. If you have questions please email