Reporting Period Open Reminder Email

Last updated 4/29/19 MNP
Send this email half way through the reporting period. Appropriately edit and send this email to (Send as Bcc): Cc:
Subject: (term) Final Exam Reporting Period Dear Final Exam Schedulers,
This is a friendly reminder that the final exam request system will close at midnight on (insert reporting closing date).  You must enter all final exam requests prior to the deadline.
If you are in a cross-listed relationship with another department please coordinate the reporting of final exams with the home department.
Reporting Finals:
The URL for exam reporting, complete with instructions:
The URL for the exam reporting system (no instructions):
An index of final exam times based on class meeting time, along with a list of approved uniform/makeup exam periods:
Final exam policies:
To obtain a copy of your final exam requests, use the "Print Status Report" link within the system. You may only order reports during your access period, so it is important to do so before the deadline. The reports can route to Austin Disk, if the user has requested this option in their *DPUSER output routing settings and should contact their desktop support group for assistance with this.
Questions? Please call us at 475-7600 before the reporting period ends so that you have time to make appropriate adjustments. Please do not reply to this list. It is for informational purposes only. If you have questions please email
Thank you,
(Your Name)
Office of the Registrar