Scheduling class & office hours
Scheduling class & office hours
Scheduling a Zoom Meeting Through Canvas
In this video we show a live demo of the following:
- How to schedule a meeting (i.e. a class or office hours) in Zoom through Canvas
- How students will access the scheduled meeting
- How the waiting room feature works when having people join
Zoom Meeting Security
- Zoom Class meetings: Students that are signed into Zoom with their UT Zoom licensed account will be admitted to class meetings immediately. Students signed into Zoom with personal or free accounts are restricted from immediately joining class meetings and will be placed in the Waiting Room
- Zoom Office Hours meetings: To ensure the security of your Zoom office hours sessions, start your meeting early and manually turn on the Waiting Room feature in the Participants list. Then add students from the Waiting Room into your meeting as needed. You can send chat messages to the students in the waiting room to inform them of how long the wait will be
An Example of Office Hours Scheduled in Zoom and Posted to a Canvas Home Page
This is an example of office hours posted to the homepage of your Canvas site. This method makes it very easy for your students to find your office hours.
This example has 1 Professor (Jimmy Dale) and 1 TA (Sandy Pedrotti.) Each has a unique Zoom office hours meeting that becomes active when the Professor or TA enters that Zoom Room. With "Waiting Room" enabled you will need to allow each of the students in to the room through the participant's dialog.
- Professor Dale has one office hour session that is set up as recurring, no date range, and a waiting room. He shares this session across all his courses (5 classes, 3 courses.) He had to create the office hours session in utexas.zoom.us, rather than in a particular course. As such, it won’t show up under the course Zoom link(s). So, he embedded it into the word “Zoom” near the top-left of the screenshot where it talks about his office location.
- This is the Canvas Home Page.
- Zoom settings for the recurring meeting