University Catalogs
Pertinent university procedures and regulations are addressed in these university catalogs: General Information and The Graduate Catalog. Each is available from the Office of the Registrar online here. All MS&E students should be familiar with the information provided.
General Information, published annually in July, contains current and historical information about the university and regulations that apply to all students during the academic year printed on the title page. General Information is intended for use with each of the other issues of the catalog of the university.
The Graduate Catalog is published in July of odd-numbered years, contains degree requirements and official regulations of the Graduate School. It also contains descriptions for most graduate courses offered by all departments.
The Course Schedule is issued each semester (fall, spring and summer) and is viewable online. It contains procedures on how and when to register and lists which particular classes are available during the semester and when and where they meet. It also contains the final exam schedule and the calendar of the university.