

Parking is very limited at UT Austin. (UTPD officers do give parking tickets.)  As a student you are eligible to purchase a “C” permit (student parking).  Permits do not guarantee you a spot and it may be necessary to arrive very early to find parking. Registered graduate students who are employed by UT for at least twenty hours per week (graduate research assistants, teaching assistants, and some fellowship holders) may qualify for an “A” permit (see parking maps here). The graduate coordinator sends in a parking verification form to the parking office in late August. If you believe you qualify for “A” parking and the parking office does not have your name, contact the graduate coordinator. For more information on eligibility, fees, location of the parking lots, or other information on parking, refer to Parking and Transportation Services here or at 471-7275. You may also complete an application to receive “A” parking online under My Parking Profile.

UT Austin offers a shuttle service to registered students to many parts of Austin, including the Pickle Research Center. Maps are available at the Texas Union and at the Information Desk in the Main Building.  Austin city buses (Capital Metro) are also free for UT students; you just need your UT ID card to board.

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