Student Organizations
The UT Official Directory, issued annually, contains a list of all Registered Student Organizations, with names and phone numbers for more information. A comprehensive list can also be found here. These student organizations encompass many different kinds of clubs, such as political associations, ethnic associations, religious groups, sports clubs, etc. Here are a few applicable organizations:
1. Graduate Engineering Council (GEC)
The GEC is an organization developed to promote social and academic interaction among graduate students in the College of Engineering. The council is composed of representatives from each graduate program in engineering, including MS&E. The GEC publishes a Graduate Engineering Guide, sponsors several seminars and social events each semester, and compiles a resume book.
2. Graduate Student Assembly (GSA)
The Graduate Student Assembly is a university-wide organization aimed at representing the interests of all graduate students at The University of Texas. It provides representation within the formal university structure: Graduate Assembly, senior cabinet, and Student Senate. GSA has representatives on the Faculty Council, the Graduate Guide, and various committees such as the TA/AI Welfare, Rights, and Responsibilities Committee. Call 471-3166 for more information.
This is a joint student chapter of ASM International TMS (the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) and the American Ceramic Society (ACerS).
4. Materials Research Society Student Chapter
The goal of the Materials Research Society (MRS) Student Chapter is to generate student interest in materials science. The chapter also serves as a platform for its members to network with materials scientists in industry, academia and government worldwide. The chapter provides professional development opportunities to its members by organizing speakers, seminars, conferences, and social events. The chapter also works with the national Materials Research Society to provide travel support for its members to attend the bi-annual MRS conferences.
5. Women in Engineering Program
The Women in Engineering Program (WEP) helps women in the Cockrell School get connected, develop as engineering leaders, and graduate with skills for life. Established in 1991, WEP strives to:
- recruit and retain female engineering students,
- increase the percentage of female engineering graduates, and
- provide a supportive structure that encourages the success of women in the Cockrell School of Engineering.