Editing and Uploading Final Exam Schedules (Posting Finals using UTBox)

Last updated 5/7/19 MNP
Once weekly the updated final exam reports should be updated on the website. Once exams have begun, run and update on website every exam day to ensure all stakeholders are aware.
Initial Upload
Before the reports are uploaded for the first time, Truman will need to do the following:

  • Activate final exam schedule using the A1 command in *NRTXAP, application 54.
  • Change prod sw for final exams to Y to turn on exam schedules or to N to turn them off. Wait for confirmation this has been done before proceeding.

The Exam Schedules links should be updated for the current CCYYS (from the end of the last semester), and should currently be a PDF document that says 'Coming Soon.'
Link can be edited using Drupal:
Once the link is edited, the documents uploaded in UT Box will also have to have their link updated. For more information on editing in Plain Text, and editing the corresponding links in UT Box, see:
\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\1.General Purpose Classrooms\Uploading the GPC List to the Website for the first time.docx
Running Reports

  1. Open Mainframe, and use the command "TXTASK" for running the final exam reports.
  2. The first report command you will run for final exam reports is RGJGFINX. Command is "SSJ" and version is "P". Department is "RG"
  3. !worddavaabfbc15ae29f5aa9259458de9694166.png|height=223,width=640!The name of the report that you will run is the RGNW1496. Select the report by entering "Y".

  1. Enter the YYS when prompted, and press enter.
  2. For the next report, begin like you are going to run the weekly Delsey Report:
    1. Command: SSJ, Name: RGJGDELS, Version: p, Dept: RG
    2. Select report name RGJNDELD:

  1. The input should be the current YYS, and the beginning and end dates are those of the final exams.

Formatting and Editting Reports

  • The 1496 report will spit out as a PDF in the Scheduling server. This document should be good to go once the watermark has been added and after it has been renamed (with the date)- see naming convention below.
  • The Delsey will spit out into the 'RmSchedules' folder on the scheduling server. Open in word, remove excess spacing and any repeated exam period headers.
    • While you're making the document more uniform, scan over all events scheduled to make sure that the only events scheduled are acceptable Save the document as a PDF, and open in Adobe to add a watermark

To add a watermark:

  • Go to the Document tab, scroll down to 'watermark' and 'add'
  • Set the watermark to:
    • 33% opacity
    • 85% scale
    • 45 degree angle
    • "As of mm/dd/yyyy" (example: As of 5/16/2016)

Naming Convention:

  • The 1496 should be saved as: CCYYSExamSchedule_mmddyy
  • The Delsey Report should be saved as: CCYYSGPCExamSchedule_mmddyy

Save the final exam schedules in the following folder, under the appropriate YYS, in the folder titled 'To Publish':
\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Final Exams\Exam Schedules
Upload PDFs to UT Box

  1. In the 'Exam Schedules' folder, locate the documents you will be updating. Click the button with the three dots on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. !worddavd9bc863ddd1c831bc7aedacb23388b5f.png|height=280,width=605!Select 'Upload New Version'

  1. Select the corresponding file that has been saved on the Registrar server.
  2. Edit the name of the document to remove the date from the end of the file name.

  1. Check the Final Exam Registrar's website to ensure that both documents uploaded properly: https://utw10101.utweb.utexas.edu/staff/exams