Intern I Coordinator and Field Supervisor Guidelines

This section is intended to provide guidance to coordinators, field supervisors, and cooperating teachers working with students in Intern Semester I, the first semester of the Professional Development Sequence (PDS). During this semester, students will have the opportunity to work in general education classrooms serving students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first-grade. Students must spend a minimum of three mornings per week over a 12-week period (or 1 full day and 1 morning). Three supplementary weeks are available to provide additional teaching opportunities, accommodate development needs of preservice teachers, or enable students to make up absences. In addition, students will take additional coursework that coordinates with their field experience.

I. Pre-Semester Responsibilities

The coordinator should study and become familiar with using the resources available on the COE Field Experiences Wiki and Career Services websites.

During the semester prior to the Intern I semester, the Field Experiences Program Coordinator will provide a list of students who are entering the PDS to the cohort coordinators.  Coordinators will also receive information about the new PDS student orientation provided by the Education Services Office. Coordinators should plan to attend to meet and provide a cohort overview for their Intern I students. Suggested documents to prepare for this PDS orientation are provided on Canvas Cohort Coordinator Resources. If you are not able to access that Canvas site, please contact

In addition, during the semester prior to the Intern I semester, coordinators will receive important emails from Education Services including a new cohort roster (for the upcoming new Intern I semester) and new student PDS application essays.  Essays should be reviewed and scored with the rubric using instructions provided in the email regarding scoring and individual student meeting, if needed.  Supporting resources regarding essays are available if a coordinator needs to meet with a student to further discuss the application essay. Essays and the corresponding rubric should be maintained in the new cohort student Box Folder.

Coordinators should establish e-mail communication with cohort students using e-mail addresses provided on the roster from Education Services email and require @utexas emails to be used at the start of the Intern I semester.  The Technology Orientation will provide further assistance in this email address PDS requirement.

It is recommended that cohort coordinators review and share with new interns the Student Intern Badge Procedures on the COE Field Experiences Wiki so that the interns will be able to order and receive their official UT Student badge prior to the internship placement start date.

Review the Coordinators TEA Candidate Record Checklist on COE Field Experiences Wiki

Coordinators should plan to meet with their field supervisors prior to the beginning of the semester with plenty of time to review student placements and expectations of the position, the FS Requirements Checklist, and become familiar with using the resources available on the COE Field Experiences Wiki and Career Services websites.

A. Cooperating Teachers and Principals

Coordinators should review the Recruiting and Placement Timeline for the upcoming semester on the Coordinator Placement Information Web page. Follow the placement procedures for the district in which they want to place students.

It is the coordinator’s responsibility to seek field placements in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first-grade classrooms. If there is uncertainty as to whether a coordinator is using all potential placements on a campus, please contact the primary coordinator for that campus prior to attempting to make any placements. Austin ISD and Round Rock ISD schools have UT primary coordinators. (See the Coordinator Placement Information Web page to find the Primary Coordinators).

After placements have been confirmed through Austin ISD and Round Rock ISD, UT’s Education Services Office will e-mail coordinators Confirmation Letter templates to send to Cooperating Teachers before students arrive in their classrooms.

Coordinators may use the following communications with the cooperating teachers. Additional sample forms for cooperating teachers and interns can be found in Intern I Materials Webpage

Program Coordinator’s Communications with Cooperating Teachers

As Cohort Coordinator, I will be available to help you through e-mail _______ and telephone _______. E-mail is the most efficient way for us to communicate, but do not hesitate to telephone me if you have questions or concerns that you would like to discuss. Please leave a voicemail message if I miss your call.

Regarding the Field Supervisor

_______, your intern's field supervisor, is a graduate student with teaching experience working with young students and university training in supervision. You are welcome to e-mail or telephone_______ for assistance or guidance in working with your intern.

Telephone: _______ E-mail: _______

Intern Contact Form

The intern should provide the cooperating teacher with an Intern Contact Form. The coordinator will provide the intern with a copy of the Cooperating Teacher Contact Form that the cooperating teacher provided to the coordinator. (See Intern I Materials Webpage in the EC-6 ESL Coordinator and Field Supervisor Handbook.)

Intern Autobiographical Sketch and Contact Information

The cooperating teacher will receive an autobiographical sketch and emergency contact information from the intern on or before the first day of internship. (See Intern I Materials Webpage in the EC-6 ESL Coordinator and Field Supervisor Handbook.)

Cooperating Teacher Contact Information Form

The cooperating teacher should complete the Word version of the contact form. The cooperating teacher should share the CT Contact Form with the intern, who will share with the Cohort Coordinator and Field Supervisor as directed.  (See Intern I Materials Webpage in the EC-6 ESL Coordinator and Field Supervisor Handbook.)

Share Yourself

Cooperating teachers should take time to share some information with interns. They would like to know about professional experiences, family, interests, personal goals, etc.

Cooperating Teacher Communications

It is recommended that the coordinator communicate with the cooperating teachers via e-mail on a regular basis throughout the semester.


Cooperating Teacher Conferences with the Intern: Reflective Conversations

Cooperating teachers should read the document entitled “Observing and Planning Effective Conferences with Beginning Teachers.”  This observation and conferencing with students information is also included in the Elementary Partner Guidebook and Secondary Partner Guidebook in the Cooperating Teacher section of the COE Field Experiences Wiki.


Field-Based Course Requirements

At the beginning of the semester, program coordinators will provide cooperating teachers with information via e-mail regarding specific field-based course work assigned by the intern’s instructors. Students should seek additional clarification or assistance from the appropriate instructors.

Confidentiality and Code of Ethics

Before arriving on campus, the intern will be informed about the significance of confidentiality in schools. In addition, interns are required to read and sign our Policies and Procedures Checklist, which includes §247.2, the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators. The forms can be found for the different groups at the Policies Web page.

B. Field Supervisors

The field supervisor is almost always a graduate student in one of our programs. Field Supervision is usually a 20-hour per week position.

Coordinators should provide an overview for field supervisors on the use of resources and materials located in the Coordinator & Field Supervisors section on the COE Field Experiences Wiki . 

Coordinators should also confirm with field supervisors that they have participated in mentor training and the Field Supervisor orientation as required by the Field Experiences Office prior to their first student observation.

Field supervisors may wish to create a notebook with a section for each intern.

Field supervisors are required to provide 2-3 records of informal support through email or text communications to the interns.  These will be submitted to each intern Box.

Coordinators may wish to prepare the following for field supervisors’ use:

  1. A map of the Austin area with our schools highlighted.
  2. School district calendars
  3. List of intern names with personal contact and emergency information once they are updated with only emails. 
  4. Intern placement list giving school, cooperating teacher, school phone, principal, campus liaison (if applicable)
  5. Lesson plan form, observation list
  6. Absence report form (Interns must notify field supervisors regarding any absence)
  7. Hard copies of policies, guidelines,
  8. Summative/formative evaluation forms
  9. Name badge to wear at all times when visiting schools

C. Interns

Coordinators are responsible for scheduling the cohort’s required technology orientation session with the Office of Instructional Innovation (OI2).

The coordinator should reserve a location and schedule a cohort meeting with the students before the beginning of Intern Semester I.

Intern Contact Forms should be provided for each student to complete during the cohort meeting as desired - electronically and/or hard copy.  The coordinator should prepare forms for compiling a cohort contact list so that members may contact one another. Note that students entering phone numbers are giving permission for the coordinator to share these within the cohort.

Topics to discuss at the initial cohort meeting(s) may include:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Philosophical basis of the cohort concept
  • Icebreaker activities
  • Completion of Intern Contact Forms. Collect one copy for the field supervisor and one for yourself. Have students deliver the third copy to their cooperating teachers when they first arrive at their placements.
  • Completion of a cohort contact list. Students will be giving permission to publish telephone numbers for cohort members only.
  • Maps to schools (also available online)
  • Schedule for placement arrival and departure
  • Policies, Guidelines and Expectations Checklist
  • Professionalism
  • Confidentiality
  • The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators
  • Absence policies and procedures for advance notification of absence to cooperating teacher and field supervisor
  • Making up required absences and alternative make-up options (after-school care programs, etc.)
  • Cohort Telephone Tree for rapid emergency communication by telephone
  • Certification exams information on preparation and fees during the PDS
  • Official UT and College of Education health and wellness support for students

Technology Support for Students

Tech support staff are available to assist students with computer issues. The Help Desk (SZB 2.110) is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Coordinators should let interns know that technology support and information is also on the Student section of the COE Field Experiences Wiki .

Intern Contact Form

Interns should complete the Intern Contact Form, save it as Contact Your Name (Last, first), and attach it to an e-mail message to the coordinator by the first day of the semester. Interns should print a copy of the form to take to their cooperating teachers on the first day of the internship.

Autobiographical Sketch

Interns should complete this form located at Intern I Materials Web Page. Coordinators may expand sections as they wish.


Cooperating Teacher Contact Information

When the coordinator sends the interns the names of their cooperating teachers and their school assignments, the coordinator will also send the interns telephone and e-mail contact information for their cooperating teachers. After the interns arrive on their campuses, the coordinator should request two copies of the Cooperating Teacher Contact Form. Interns should keep one copy and submit the other to their coordinator and/opr upload it as directed.

Criminal Background Check

Interns should have submitted their criminal background check form to the Program Coordinator in the Office of Field Experiences.  They will not be able to report to their schools on the first day of the internship without the successful completion of the background check.  The Program Coordinator will contact the coordinator and the student if there are any issues regarding this requirement.

School Locations

Each district Website shows school addresses and many also provide maps. Interns should bookmark these sites since they will need them again. Many schools have their own Websites, available through the district site. Encourage interns to locate their schools’ sites, if available, and study them carefully. A few sites are listed here.

Austin ISD:


Round Rock ISD:


Pflugerville ISD:


Maps to Schools

Additional maps to schools can be created using the school’s address at


Parking at Schools

Interns should avoid parking in assigned spaces (such as the principal's) or bus loading areas. Interns should ask the school office where they should park each day, and may wish to call the school before their first day to find out. A few sites are listed here.

School District Calendars

Interns should bookmark the online district calendars and examine them carefully once they receive their assignments. A few sites are listed here.

Austin ISD:

Pflugerville ISD:

Round Rock ISD:

Laptop Security

Interns will use their laptops in the classroom at their schools. Interns should plan carefully so that their laptops will be secure when they are out of the classroom. Interns can explain to students that their laptop is a tool for the intern's use only.

Laptop Propriety

Interns are welcome to use their laptops at their classes for course instructor activities only, unless on a class break.  They may take notes or record observations in the internship classroom with the cooperating teacher's knowledge of the work being done on the laptop or other device.

Diversity Requirement

PDS students must spend their Intern I semester in a culturally diverse or low socio-economic school setting. Hopefully, there will be opportunities for PDS students to work with many student populations.

* A culturally diverse setting is one that has a substantial variation in the percentage of different ethnic populations or has a predominant minority ethnic composition.

* A low SES (low socio-economic status) setting is a school where a high percentage of students receive free or reduced lunches.

Coordinators can find data regarding ethnicity and more at a TEA Website: . Type the school district name to see a list of all campuses. Scroll down the page to the link to ethnicity.

Professionalism and Confidentiality

Direct, courteous communication is the best way to avoid misunderstandings. Interns should be assertive and adhere to the high ideals of their new profession by treating others with sensitivity and respect. Interns should be alert to school confidentiality issues at all times. Interns are responsible for upholding the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators$ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=19&pt=7&ch=247&rl=2

Interns should study the code carefully and should be encouraged to seek clarification where needed from their cooperating teacher, field supervisor or instructors.

Looking Ahead Toward Launching Yourself

The Website at can help interns clarify their educational goals. Interns can begin gathering ideas and materials throughout the next three semesters for their resumes, interviews, and portfolios.

D. Professional Development Sequence Instructors

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction will notify coordinators of their cohort’s Professional Development Sequence (PDS) instructors in advance. Instructors may wish to e-mail cohort students regarding courses and textbooks. Coordinators should schedule a meeting with these instructors for coordination of the expectations of major assignments and their due dates. The meeting should address topics such as field-based assignments, distribution of technology, and major project deadlines. The meeting should also establish arrangements for the interns’ required laptop training. The coordinator should also consult with the PDS instructors to determine which course will include basic instruction in lesson planning. The coordinator should request that instructors communicate concerns regarding student progress to the coordinator. Field supervisors should share course requirements that involve special conditions (e.g., tutoring, taping, testing, case studies) with the cooperating teachers at the beginning of the semester. Permission forms for student intern filming of children or permission forms for other course requirements during internships can be found in the COE Field Experiences Wiki in the Coordinator and Field Supervisor section (within the Coordinator and Field Supervisor Handbook go to the Materials Webpage.)

It is imperative that the instructor of Teaching Young Children (EDC 371G) understands that the field experience component is attached to that course, and that failure to satisfy the requirements of the field experience will result in failure of the course. The instructor of the course and the coordinator should communicate clearly at the end of the semester to ensure that each student has passed the field experience. The course grade cannot be turned in until the student has successfully completed the field experience.

PDS instructors should review the curriculum objectives to be taught in each course as they align with the TEKS, STAAR, and the domains of the TExES. This information can be obtained through the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and on the COE Field Experiences Wiki under the Coordinator and Field Supervisor Resources webpage. PDS instructors should also be aware of their responsibility to address the technology competencies, ELPS, and PK Guidelines within their course.

The coordinator, with the assistance of the PDS instructors, should determine that every student is proficient in oral and written language and should refer students who are not proficient to the Student Dean’s Office for committee examination and recommendations. Student performance in the PDS and proficiency in oral and written language will be reviewed by the relevant College of Education committee. Guidelines established by the committee are provided in Procedures for Oral Language and Written Communication Proficiency, which can found be on the main Web page of the EC-6 ESL Coordinator & Field Supervisor Handbook.


E. Field Experiences Office (Education Services)

Coordinators should receive a cohort roster with e-mail addresses and contact information from the Field Experiences Office.  Coordinators should provide the Office with the list of student placements including the name of school, the mentor teacher, and the field supervisor assigned for each student.

     Coordinators should contact the Office for the following assistance from the director:

      • Assistance with designing an Individualized Performance Plan (IPP)
      • Consultation regarding sensitive issues that arise during field experiences

The Field Experiences Office:

      • Coordinates field placements with school districts and cohort coordinators
      • Provides a PDS Orientation for all first-semester interns the semester prior to entering the PDS program
      • Provides orientation for interns
      • Establishes, reviews, and revises field experience policies
      • Maintains files of cooperating teacher evaluations
      • Updates placement Website each semester
      • Fields coordinator questions
      • Provides mileage training for field supervisors and coordinators
      • Provides orientation for new coordinators
      • Sets deadlines related to field experiences activities
      • Maintains field experience Websites
      • Tracks GPAs to monitor eligibility for continuation in the PDS
      • Collects criminal background checks and submits them to hosting school districts
      • Receives and processes PDS applications
      • Serves as liaison to school districts
      • Oversees the College of Education Program Evaluation done by teacher certification students

II. During Semester Responsibilities

A. Cooperating Teachers and Principals

It is the coordinator’s responsibility to resolve any problems that arise. Coordinators should always be available to campus personnel for questions or concerns. Coordinators should visit each campus at least once or twice during the semester to keep the lines of communication open. Coordinators should initiate and maintain communication with the campus principals who host our PDS students.

Cooperating Teacher Observations

Although cooperating teachers observe their interns daily and offer feedback frequently, we request that cooperating teachers record at least two written observations of their interns’ lessons with students during the semester. Cooperating teachers are welcome to print the Anecdotal Record Form from the Cooperating Teacher Web page, or may wish to complete the form onscreen and then print or e-mail the results to their interns. Cooperating teachers may also choose to use one of the focused observation forms that the coordinator has provided to interns.

Cooperating teachers should review the document entitled "Observing and Planning Effective Conferences with Beginning Teachers" to become familiar with the topics typically discussed during field supervisor/intern conferences. As the cooperating teachers become aware of particular needs, they should feel free to suggest additional topics that will allow the field supervisor to assist the intern more effectively.

Lesson Plans

Interns will use the lesson plan template provided by the coordinator. Naturally, intern plans must be much more thorough than the written plans that experienced teachers usually write. The cooperating teacher and field supervisor must approve intern lesson plans at least two days prior to implementation.

Photography and Videotaping Permission Forms

Many principals have determined that general school photography permission forms already signed by parents are adequate to cover interns photographing children for educational purposes under teacher supervision. However, some principals may prefer that interns obtain additional parent permission. Forms can be found at Intern I Materials Webpage in the EC-6 ESL Coordinator and Field Supervisor Handbook. If appropriate, forms should be sent in English and Spanish. Finally, make certain that interns avoid photographing children whose parents have refused permission.

Formative Evaluation Conferences

These three-way conferences will involve the intern, the cooperating teacher, and field supervisor. The cooperating teacher may download and print the formative evaluation. The cooperating teacher should complete the evaluations independently prior to the conference.

B. Field Supervisors

Coordinators should maintain regular contact with the field supervisor(s). Weekly contact in person or via phone or e-mail is strongly encouraged. Field supervisors should be advised to contact the coordinator immediately should interns experience difficulty with meeting minimum expectations or if problems with placements occur. The coordinator should ensure that field supervisors fulfill the requirements for observations and supervision as established in the week-by-week calendar. The coordinator and field supervisors should schedule a time to meet with the interns at least once per month during the semester. This can often be accomplished at a brown bag lunch on a day the interns are on campus.

Field supervisors are responsible for maintaining informal communication and submitting to each intern Box copies of 2-3 informal email or text communications providing support during the semester.  These communications may be individual or to the group of interns supervised.

Scheduling Observations by UT Field Supervisor

Each intern will be formally observed a minimum of three times by the field supervisor this semester, in addition to informal drop-in visits. The three formal observations must be scheduled in advance. One of these may involve the intern working with a small group, but at least one must include whole class instruction. The observations must be followed by post-observation conferences. During the observation visits, field supervisors will check interns’ Lesson Plans/Observations Binder. Field supervisors should limit travel to a particular campus to one day per week. Therefore, interns must select from a list of available dates. Unscheduled, informal walk-throughs may occur at any time

Field supervisors should review the materials available on the COE Field Experiences Wiki Webpage for the link to:

Student Assessments

Coordinators must ensure that field supervisors conduct mid-semester and final evaluations in a timely fashion.

C. Interns

It is the coordinator’s responsibility to monitor Intern Semester I requirements. Should problems with placements arise, the intern should contact the coordinator and every effort should be made to resolve the difficulty. Placement changes should be kept to a minimum, but may at times be necessary to provide the intern with an appropriate model or to avoid serious personality conflicts. In addition, the coordinator may need to mediate conflicts between the intern and the field supervisor. If students experience significant difficulty meeting expectations, the coordinator may need to develop an Individualized Performance Plan (IPP) with the field supervisor, cooperating teacher and intern. The Director of Field Experiences must review a copy of the IPP.

The coordinator and field supervisor should schedule a time to meet with the interns at least once per month during the semester. As discussed earlier, this can often be accomplished at a brown bag lunch on a day the interns are on campus. The coordinator should meet with the interns mid-semester to ascertain their preferences regarding Intern II placements.

D. Professional Development Sequence Instructors

Coordinators should contact PDS instructors monthly to maintain communication.

On the rare occasion when an intern experiences severe difficulties with a PDS instructor, the coordinator should attempt to mediate. If mediation is unsuccessful, the intern should be apprised of his or her options for seeking appropriate remedy. The Director of Education Services should always be advised of these cases.

E. Field Experiences Office (Education Services)

It is the coordinator’s responsibility to notify the office of any changes in placements or of IPPs developed for individual interns.

While field supervisors can provide important documentation, it is inappropriate for them to construct and present the IPP to the intern.   Since the IPP may determine whether the student progresses through the program, its design and implementation should be the responsibility of the coordinator.  Coordinators are also responsible for attending regularly scheduled meetings and maintaining contact with the Office to ensure that all College of Education requirements are met. Coordinators should not hesitate to contact the Office as questions and concerns arise and to clarify any concerns about field placements with the program coordinator.

III. End-of-Semester Responsibilities

A. Cooperating Teachers and Principals

Coordinators are encouraged to solicit feedback from cooperating teachers and principals who hosted our program. Questionnaires can accompany thank-you notes to participating professionals, and might include questions about interns’ preparation, interactions with the field supervisor, and suggestions for improving formative evaluation conferences.  These three-way conferences involve the intern, the cooperating teacher, and the field supervisor. Field supervisors will schedule these at the cooperating teacher’s convenience at the end of the semester. The cooperating teacher may download and print the formative evaluation to view the intern criteria. However, the cooperating teacher should complete the evaluations on the online evaluation system (OES) independently prior to the conference.

B. Field Supervisor

Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that field supervisors submit all required paperwork in accordance with the Field Experiences Office established timelines (see the Due Dates section at the End-of-Semester Requirements Web page.) In addition, coordinators must complete the evaluation forms for each field supervisor and submit it to his or her respective department chair.

It is recommended that coordinators meet with the field supervisor to debrief the current semester and to discuss any potential concerns regarding the Intern Semester II.

 C. Interns

Coordinators are encouraged to solicit feedback from interns regarding the cooperating teacher and field supervisor. Interns may wish to comment on the ability of the cooperating teacher and field supervisor to model appropriate practice, to provide support and feedback for interns, and to meet College of Education requirements.

Coordinators should also inform interns of when information will be made available regarding Intern Semester II placements.

Coordinators should meet with any intern who has an IPP or has failed a course in the PDS. The coordinator, intern, cooperating teacher, and other PDS faculty as appropriate should determine whether or not the intern has satisfied all of the requirements of the IPP. If any IPP requirements were not met or if any PDS courses were failed, then the meeting should focus on the student’s options for the following semester.

D. Professional Development Sequence Instructors

If an intern has failed a PDS course, the coordinator and faculty member must discuss whether or not IPP requirements have been satisfied. The coordinator must inform the director of the IPP end-of-semester outcome. The coordinator may also wish to solicit feedback from the PDS faculty concerning cohort communication and any concerns about Intern Semester I.

E. Field Experiences Office (Education Services)

The coordinator is responsible for submitting all required paperwork and forms to the Education Services office in accordance with established timelines (see due dates at End-of-Semester Requirements).  Mileage reports must be submitted using the electronic format provided by the Office.

In addition, the Office should be advised concerning any student who has not successfully satisfied the requirements of Intern Semester I. The student’s options for the subsequent semester should be discussed with the Office director prior to the meeting with the intern and others concerned.

After placements have been confirmed, the coordinator should immediately provide a list of students, their field supervisors and cooperating teachers to the Office.