Archived Files - Linux Accounts

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Archived Files - Linux Accounts

Once a year, ECE-IT will reset all Linux user accounts.  This involves having all ECE students having to reset their Linux account passwords and recopy (via rsync) their data back (if desired) from the previous semester(s) to the new, current working home directory. 

Instructions are as follows:

Please visit www.ece.utexas.edu/acme to reset your password.

All the data in your current home directories will be archived in a seperate directory.  To move your data back into the new home directory, please use the following procedures:


cd /mnt/archive_2017

Proceed to copy your archived data over to your current working directory

  • rsync -av <your_login> /home/ecelrc/students/<your_login>

This will create a copy of your old home directory inside your home new directory and allow you to customize placement of your files. Don't forget ~/.xinitrc and similar .files if you move individual files.

Alternatively you could copy with:
rsync -av <your_login>/ /home/ecelrc/students/<your_login>

Note the trailing slash after <your_login> in the 1st argument. This will copy the old files directly into your new home directory, overwriting any files with the same name. This is a good option if you have just logged in to your new directory for the 1st time.

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