SB - Federal Small Business Reporting

SB - Federal Small Business Reporting

HUB Associate Small Business Reporting Instructions
Step 1: Develop Individual Subcontracting reports (ISRs) summary worksheet

  1. Go to the Federal Small Business Reports folder in UT Box
  2. Find the summary report for the last reporting period (ex. Summary_SBReporting_MMMFY)
  3. Review last reporting period summary report to determine which reports will need to be submitted
  4. Use last reporting period summary report as template for current reporting period

Reports marked Final should be closed out and do not need to be reported moving forward
Summary Subcontractor Reports (SSRs) are only submitted during the fiscal year reporting period (deadline October 31)
Step 2: Run Individual Subcontracting reports (ISRs) -CGJGF294 – F294 report

  1. Go to the HUB Administration page in UT Direct https://utdirect.utexas.edu/hub/
  2. Run the report for each ISR
    1. Select the "Reports" link in the left-hand navigation to access list of reports.
    2. Submit the "Federal Reports by OSP Number"
      1. Note: We typically submit from the start day to ensure all expenditures are picked up. This is due to the MPFED294 table not having been updated since 2015 or so.
  3. Retrieve the excel report for each ISR from the Secure Report System (SRS)
    1. In the SRS system you will have selections for each of the following report types. Select the bolded report.
      • F294 REPORT FOR ARL
  4. Compare the totals with what was submitted at last reporting period. Note any anomalies and following up with point of contact for the report.
  5. If all issues reconciled record recent totals to the summary report for current report period to be loaded to eSRS by SBLO.

Small Business Reporting Overview
RMJGSMLB – small business load

  • Runs on the 1st of each month (autosubmit)
  • Reads the projects file (RM-MODIFICATION) to find all contracts that were active in the last month that meet the F294 reporting criteria
    • adds new contracts to table MPFED294
    • produces a report of all active contracts
  • F294 reporting criteria:
    • Small business plan switch is flipped, or
    • Sponsor is EPA, or
    • Total project amount is at least $550,000

CGJGF294 – F294 report

  • Runs semi-annually (after 3/31 and after 9/30) when you or Arthur submit it
    • Can be run for a single contract or for all active contracts
    • Final run should be submitted with "update table" marked
  • Should include all spending for the reporting period for "reportable contracts" (see definition under RMJGSMLB)
  • Reads table MPFED294 for all active contracts (read by key E4)
    • for each contract finds all accounting transactions for reporting period and totals amounts by vendor type
    • when "update table" is marked, adds reporting period totals to cumulative amounts in MPFED294
    • production version:
      • produces a report of totals for each contract since we started reporting on it (reporting period plus cumulative totals from MPFED294)
      • produces a downloadable spreadsheet of the detail transactions that were included in the totals (one spreadsheet for all contracts)
    • proposed version (this is the version I sent you last week):
      • same as old version, plus
      • produces a report of totals for the reporting period only

CGJGF295 - F295 report

  • Runs semi-annually (after 3/31 and after 9/30); only DOD has to be reported twice a year, all others are reported once a year for the full federal fiscal year reporting period
  • Should include all spending for the reporting period for all federal contracts (even those that don't meet the "reportable contracts" definition)
  • production version:
    • Pre-work (it's hard to tell for sure, but it looks like this part hasn't happened for quite a while):
      • Someone in IT submits AQJGPUR1, which reads all budget groups (AQ-BUDGET-GROUP) for fund "200" (federal) and award-type "Contract" and writes a workfile containing the budget-group, sponsor-code, and sponsor-name
      • IT downloads this workfile and sends it to you with instructions to update each line to include the reporting-agency (roll-up from sponsor)
      • You send the updated workfile back to IT and IT uploads the workfile to the mainframe
    • Report time:
      • You or Arthur submit CGJGF295 when it's time to report
      • CGPBF295 reads the updated pre-work workfile (contains budget-group and reporting-agency)
        • for each each budget group, finds all accounting transactions for reporting period
        • totals amounts by vendor type and reporting-agency
        • produces a report of totals for each reporting-agency
  • proposed version:
    • No pre-work (yay!)
    • You or Arthur submit CGJGF295 when it's time to report
    • CGPBF295 reads all budget groups for fund "200" (federal) and award-type "Contract"
      • For each budget group, finds all the accounting transactions for the reporting period
      • Totals amounts by vendor type and sponsor-code
      • Produces a workfile of totals for each sponsor-code
    • Post-work
      • You download the F295 workfile into Excel
      • Sort by sponsor-code
      • Add the reporting-agency for each sponsor-code
      • Use Excel functions to generate totals by reporting-agency

Known issues


  • We don't know whether a new contract should be tracked at the 9- or 12-digit level
  • We don't know if a contract can become reportable (i.e. it doesn't initially meet the dollar threshold, but after some number of modifications it does)
  • Programmatically, we don't know how to figure out what the reporting-agency should be for a sponsor-code
  • Once the initial goals are proposed (via Exhibit 1), you don't directly hear back about whether or not this contract should be tracked and reported (flipping the small business switch is intended to convey this to you)


  • The "update table" process seems fragile … if you forget to do that, the cumulative totals are wrong forever after
  • We can't accurately reproduce a past report because changes to vendor status aren't logged, so we can only ever get the current vendor status (note: fixing this is outside of the scope of this project)


  • The pre-work workfile being used currently appears to have last been updated in Oct. 2006, which means the process isn't picking up any budget groups that have been created since then
  • There's no support for the report totals … how do you know whether or not they're right?
  • Programmatically, we don't know how to figure out what the reporting-agency should be for a sponsor-code

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