V. Resignation & Termination

A. Resignation Preparation

B. Resignation Process

  • Faculty members should submit an email to the Department Chair stating their intent to resign with an effective resignation date.
    • Faculty may resign voluntarily from the University at any time. Standard resignation dates are 1/15, 5/31 or 8/31.
  • The Department Chair must officially accept the resignation in writing via email or letter.
    • The acceptance must confirm the effective resignation date. Letters should be signed and dated.
  • Copies of the resignation letter and Department Chair's acceptance should be sent to all other departments or centers where the faculty have concurrent appointments, including courtesy or zero percent time appointments.
    • Copies should also be sent to the central HR Benefits Specialist (currently Edye Giordano).
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C. Termination

  • Termination of tenure-track faculty is usually the result of the promotion process for an Assistant Professor or Instructor who was not promoted, but appointed for a final terminal year.
    • Faculty who will be appointed for a terminal year are notified during the promotion process.
    • After the terminal year the faculty member will be removed from the budget and the funds released.
  • Professional track faculty who will not be reappointed should be given written notice no later than 30 days prior to the end of their appointment, according to UT System's Rule 31002: Notice of Non-renewal to Nontenured Faculty Members.
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