How to Configure Office 365 in Mail on macOS

How to Configure Office 365 in Mail on macOS


Instructions on how to add your UT O365 email to Apple Mail on macOS. 

As of October 12, 2022

If you are already using Apple Mail, you may need to remove your account then re-add it. 

UT O365 accounts now use Modern Authentication, also called OAuth2. How email clients handle this authentication differs from the previously used Basic Authentication which has officially been discontinued. 

To remove an account from Apple Mail:

  1. Go to the Apple Menu  System Preferences Internet Accounts
  2. Select your O365 email from the list of accounts then click the Minus - to remove it.
  3. If asked if you want to Turn Off Account  or Remove From All, select Remove From All
    1. NOTE: none of your data will be deleted and it will all return when you re-add your account, this includes data in Notes and Reminders

To add your account again, quit and reopen Thunderbird then follow the directions below. 

Required Steps:

Apple Mail is not officially supported

We strongly recommend switching to the Outlook Desktop app or the Outlook Web App

Microsoft does not support Apple Mail for use with Office 365 accounts which often results in significant limitations of functionality. We cannot guarantee that UT O365 accounts will work and can only provide best effort support.

Before Beginning: You must be using Mail version 12 or higher. To check what version of Mail you are running, open Mail, then go to Mail > About Mail. Older versions of Apple Mail cannot work. 

  1. Go to the Apple Menu  System Preferences Internet Accounts
  2. Under the accounts list on the left, click the Plus + to add an account. 
  3. Select Microsoft Exchange, enter your Name and Email Address, then click Sign In

  4. When asked Sign in to your Exchange account using Microsoft? click Sign In

  5. Complete the UT sign in using your EID credentials then authenticating with Duo

  6. Select the apps you'd like to use then click Done


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