Chair Proof Phase

Prep Distributed Phase (Final)

Check CM access dates, cross-listings jobs, J3/J4. Reset proposed titles, reset timeline notes, update room caps, etc. Sync instructor names.
Take snapshot (Chair Distributed)
Make sure RSS is ready to go (no-class days blocked out etc. and give level four users view access).
Last step is uploading the reports (unpublished to Canvas) and prepping the memo.
See Canvas 'sample module' for what reports to post to Canvas: currently including 1) Chair Proof Phase Open Memo, 2) Chair Proof Distributed Draft, 3) Chair Proof Distributed All Sections, 4) Chair Proof Distributed Incomplete Sections, 5) Chair Proof Distributed Production Comments, 6) Course Inventory, and 7) Courses Added to Inventory.
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Prep Distributed Phase (Final).docx

Class Manager Opens

Morning of: publish reports posted in Canvas and Priscilla sends out memo (via email and in Canvas announcement).
While CM 2.0 is open to departments and deans, check production comments daily. Comments usually pertain to non-inventory noteline information such as class meets dates, locations, titles, cross-listings, HOME, etc.. These comments are delivered to us electronically in txt format to the Scheduling Austin disk during the period that CM 2.0 is open to departments and deans. Run NRNWCRL1 periodically throughout the time that CM 2.0 is open to Depts/Deans (at minimum, right before we open CM up for Chair Proof, half way through Originator's time, the morning of Dean's time, and after CM closes to everyone.
Use production comments checklist:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\CSP Checklists.docx

Class Manager closes to non-Dean level users

Take non-dean changes snapshot, all sections, and production comments. Post to Canvas.
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Distributed Phase Close Day

Class Manager closes to Deans - Distributed Phase Close Day 1

Take snapshot (Chair Returned), all sections, production comments, incomplete sections. Post to Canvas.
Cross-listings jobs, J3/J4, review reports. Delete sections with unaddressed production comments, 0CL, no type/mode, placeholders, etc. Oblit and post deleted classes to Canvas. Reset 12th day counts. Check for conflicts.
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Distributed Phase Close Day

Turning pages - Chair Proof Returned

See checklist and tools
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Turning Pages\Turning Pages_tools.docx
[\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation\Functional Processes\CSP Checklists.docx


Discrepancy - Chair Proof Returned

The Discrepancy list lists classes in a particular semester with Standard Statement (Grading mode, Repeatability), Inventory Same-As, and Title discrepancies. Oblit cancelled classes.
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Discrepancy\Discrepancy List.docx

Post-CHair Checks

Check conflicts, J3/J4. Noteline maintenance (below). Check for 0CL, no type/mode.

Noteline Maintenance

  • Sort All Sections for special program codes. All Special program code sections should have matching restrictive statement.
  • Spring ONLY – Maymester scan
  • Remove unsupported: hours, grade, prereq, textbook, combination lock, program, focus, observation, ..,
  • Review all notelines for Overall standards