Job Submissions

  • Data Integrity
    • Jobs must be run in sequence
    • Job NRJCRM cannot be searched for. Run with updates on.
    • Job NRCSW is standard statement sweep. Import into Excel. Filter out cancelled classes. Filter A (check off blank) for P and R on one side and see if blanks are on the other side. Numbered topics can have blanks on the right side (Filter P on left side for blanks and then filter P on right side for A. All discrepancies should be for numbered topics aka there should be topic O in the column). Also, filter for discrepancies and double check blanks. Sometimes you can hit submit in CM for standard statement area to fix the problem. Also check in NRCRIN, NRCBCR, NRCRSE for discrepancies. (LAW was an exception in 159/162 credit/no credit)
    • J3 is xlisted but do not meet together. Different timeline but are together. Generally some sort of error.
    • J4 is the same timeline not crosslisted report. Some of these are orphaned cross-listings or true conflicts.
  • Chair Close Day 1 – CM closed to all users
    • NRJGSWCN – change from A to D. Spot check uniques to make sure nothing strange happened. This report marks courses for oblit
  • Final Resequence & Unload/Reload
    • NRJG029S is a job that is needed by registration
    • NRJGWCBS – loads mainframe tables into OCS (it is in label order and not field of study)
  • Production Notes are run in job submission not mainframe

Job Submission Definitions

  • Frequently Used
    • NRJGCRL1: Establish Crosslistings, Same As
    • NRJGCRM: Establish Room Share
    • NRJGCRJ3: Related but not in same timeline
    • NRJGCRJ4: Potential Course Relations
    • NRJG0291: Update various field
    • NRJGCRSW: Standard statement discrepancy
    • NRJGCMCF: Conflicts report
    • NRJGLDPE: Update instructor information
  • Phase Specific
    • NRJGSWCN: Cancel Switch Sweep
    • NRJG0296: Print Original/Chair Document
    • NRJGRSEQ: Resequence
    • NRJGRSS: Unload/Reload
    • NRJG029E: Discrepancy
    • NRJG029o: Oblit
    • NRJGNOTS: Production Comments
  • Occasionally
    • NRJGROVR: Rollover
    • NRJGCBER: CBE Rollover
    • NRJG029X: Update 12th Day Enrollment on File 60
    • NRJG135S: CAER, enter last like semester
    • NRJG029P: Delete Comments
    • NRJG308A: Allocation Part 1
    • NRJG308B: Allocation Part 2
    • NRJG029M: Fees Update
    • NRJGHAL 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (We do not use HAL 4)
    • NRJGCR20: Update NRCR20
    • NRJGWBCS: Load OCS tables
    • NRJGRSSR: Room Scheduling Rollover
  • Rarely Used
    • NRJGCSUS: CSU by Semester (Annual Report)
    • NRJGSRC: Report Events (CCYYS)
    • NRJGRSRD: Report Events (Data Range)
    • NRJGRSTC: Report Events (User)
    • NRJGRSTD: Report Events (User/Date Range)