Bridging - DEFINE Codes



ID #SC.0034
Decision MakersWorkday Steering Committee
Stakeholders to EngageWorkday Bridging Team, Workday Bridging Subcommittee
Workday Steering Committee Meeting Date

Description of the decision to be made

Workday does not natively support DEFINE codes the way that DEFINE and HRMS do today.

The solution proposed below will allow us to continue to post DEFINE codes to DEFINE transactions for Workday Payroll transactions that are originated from Workday Costing Allocations. While the DEFINE codes will not be in Workday, they will be applied to the DEFINE transactions that will be posted to DEFINE after Payroll runs in Workday.

The proposed solution is to tie DEFINE Codes to Accounts on Workday Costing Allocations (similar to Accounts in the HRMS funding screen). When a user goes into the Costing Allocations screen in Workday, they will see a link to DEFINE Codes. Once they click on that link, a pop-up window will open and let them enter DEFINE Codes for each of the accounts. DEFINE Codes will be tied to the Person/Position/Account/Earning Code, with Earning code being optional. This is a different than HRMS where codes could be at the Position, or at the incumbent level, and they are hierarchical. In Workday, they will only be at the person/position level, which means that if the person leaves a position, the DEFINE Codes need to be reentered for the next person.

Some things to note:

  • DEFINE Codes will need to be reentered if the Person, Position, Earning, or Account changes. They will not persist. In HRMS they can be entered at the position or assignment level, and they inherit. In HRMS they also persist for the position if the EID changes. In Workday, they will have to be reentered if the Incumbent changes.
  • DEFINE Codes will be posted to the Salary Encumbrances and Actuals. They will also be posted to the Salary Disencumbrances that are part of the nighty Encumbrance Adjustments process.  They will not be posted to the Salary Disencumbrances that are part of the payroll run, or any of the Fringe transactions. This is consistent with how it works today in HRMS.
  • When posting DEFINE transactions, the system will always look for DEFINE Codes at the earning level (person/positon/account/earning) first, and if one does not exist then we will look at the account level (person/position/account).
  • All Payroll transactions that are posted to DEFINE will follow the DEFINE Codes as described above, regardless of how the transaction was initiated (on-cycle or off-cycle payroll runs, transactions resulting from timesheets, manual payments, etc.)

Concerns/Feedback/Outstanding from subcommittee


Recommendation from subcommittee on July 26, 2017

Move forward with the fringe redirect process explained herein.


Present at the August 2, 2017 steering committee meeting. 

Recommended decision maker

ASMP Steering Committee based on recommendation from ASMP Bridging Subcommitte 

Recommended Campus Stakeholders to Engage

ASMP Bridging Team (includes payroll, accounting, budget, sponsored projects)

ASMP Bridging Subcommittee



Costing Allocations screen in Workday:


DEFINE Codes pop-up screen (mockup):


Adding or editing codes (mockup):


Action items
